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A message from Wake Forest’s Center for Global Programs and Studies

Established 16 years ago the Workshop on Intercultural Skills Enhancement (WISE) has grown into an internationally-recognized conference for staff and faculty to develop the knowledge and skills needed to help students advance their intercultural capacity and awareness.

The Center for Global Programs and Studies encourages members of the Wake Forest community to attend WISE, February 8-10, on the Reynolda Campus. The plenary keynote on Thursday afternoon may be of particular interest as Tara Harvey addresses the “Shifting Paradigm Around Intercultural Learning in Higher Education.”

The full schedule and session descriptions are available on the WISE website. If interested in attending one of the Pre- or Post-Conference Workshops, contact; limited registration grants are available.

Wake Forest faculty, staff and students may attend at no cost. Advance registration with a WFU email address is required. Registration is open through Thursday, January 25. WFU personnel unable to attend the full conference should use one of the following codes:

Thursday and/or Friday, February 8-9 ONLY code – WISE24TH-FRI
Saturday, February 10 ONLY code – WISE2024SAT

*If already registered, please visit the registration portal and adjust your registration to reflect the day you can attend.We appreciate your cooperation in helping us be mindful of fixed costs and food waste.

Questions? Contact or a member of the WISE Planning Team: Leigh Stanfield, Sandra Lisle McMullen, Kim Snipes or Tina Deloglos.
