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Wake Forest University’s annual Hazing Prevention Week will occur from Jan. 29 – Feb. 2 with educational programs and initiatives for the community each day. Events include training sessions for students and advisors to better define and understand hazing prevention; a Student Government forum to examine and provide feedback on the University’s current hazing policy; and an opportunity for the entire campus community to pledge to take a stand against hazing.

The featured Hazing Prevention week program is the panel discussion “Hazing Prevention – A Community-Wide Conversation” to be held on Wednesday, Jan. 31 from 5 to 6 pm in Pugh Auditorium. (Heavy hors d’oeuvres reception to follow). The goals of the panel discussion are to open up dialogue about defining and understanding hazing; build campus awareness and ability regarding hazing prevention and enlist campus community members to become active bystanders regarding hazing.

Panelists include:

  • Sports Psychologist Rachel Conway: University Athletics
  • University Counseling Center Director Denisha Champion
  • Professor of Communications John Llewellyn
  • Professor of Law Gregory Parks

Many different units have collaborated on Hazing Prevention Week, including Campus Recreation; Dean of Students; the Office of Wellbeing; Residence Life and Housing; Student Engagement, and University Athletics. The week is supported by the Student Activity Fee.

For questions regarding Hazing Prevention Week, contact Executive Director of Student Engagement Tim Wilkinson at
