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Retired AVP/Dean of Student Services Harold Holmes – now a smiling face at the Wellbeing Center’s front desk – was a big winner on the “Price is Right.” Friends and colleagues gathered for a viewing party of the episode featuring Holmes that aired on CBS on Monday, October 30. They cheered him on throughout his national TV debut. 

For Holmes, the gathering brought a lot of fun, lasting memories, and a lot of laughs.

“It’s unbelievably special. Surreal. I’m still on cloud nine that I was on the show, and the Wellbeing department was so kind to do this viewing party to celebrate with me. I was completely caught off guard by it. I’m thankful to my family at Wake Forest who shared this experience with me.”

In late August, while Holmes was on vacation in California, he was given tickets to see the popular game show, hosted by Drew Cary. Holmes, who had watched the show for many years, was among several audience members interviewed by producers as they screened contestants to compete on the popular game show.

“I didn’t think I would be selected,” he said. “I thought they might go for younger, more energetic participants. Ironically, Bob Barker died the Saturday before we filmed, so when I was interviewed, I talked about how long I’ve watched the show and how great it was to see it continue. What an amazing feeling it was just thinking that you might have an opportunity to be part of the show’s history.”

Even though Holmes didn’t make it to the Showcase Showdown, he said he feels like he came away the top winner because of all the support he received back at home.

Holmes has been a member of the Wake Forest campus community for more than three decades.

Each morning Monday through Friday, Holmes opens the Wellbeing Center. His favorite part of the job is mentoring student employees and his continued engagement with the campus community.

“I loved seeing Harold’s excitement and that of his friends and colleagues who were here,” said Joe Cassidy, executive director of campus recreation. “Every month we have a retiree gathering here in the building, so a lot of the folks who showed up for the watch are retired faculty and staff. Our Wellbeing Center is a community center for all – students, faculty, staff and retirees – that not only focuses on physical wellbeing but also on social and emotional wellbeing.”
