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A message from Wake Forest Facilities and Campus Services

Last summer, following approval by the Winston-Salem City Council, Wake Forest completed the process of naming roads on the Reynolda Campus in honor of four trailblazing professors. At that time, the University began a process to add addresses to buildings and locations on the Reynolda Campus.

Addresses have been added to nearly every area of campus, including athletic fields, storage areas, and Hearn and Manchester Plazas. Where buildings and parking lots have signage, the address is displayed. Additionally, digital maps showing addresses for other spaces without signage are available for use via GPS navigation apps and also for emergency responders to pinpoint precisely where to go in the event of a 911 call.

Reynolda Campus maps have been updated to include the new addresses. Campus visitors will be able to add the address of the exact location of a building or area – such as Porter Byrum Welcome Center, Angelou Residence Hall or Spry Soccer Field – in their wayfinding app. 

Following are some Q&As that may be helpful:

Where can I find the new building addresses?
In addition to drop-down signs on most locations around campus. New addresses are updated on the interactive campus map. Updated maps with building and location addresses are also available on the Visiting Wake Forest website for viewing and downloading.

Will address changes impact placing orders through Workday? 
Faculty and staff will not see any changes to street names in Workday until fall 2023. You can continue to place orders, but as always, be sure you have the proper building and room number as your “Deliver To” on Requisitions. If you need to update your default “Deliver To,” you may update your work space to reflect your room and building.  For additional information, please see the job aid – Change in Worker Location or Work Space 

Procurement and Payment Services is in communication with suppliers and is working directly with the punchout suppliers to update the flow of information between us and the online catalogs. We will continue to keep campus updated through the change process. Please contact us at with any questions.  

Will mail and small packages continue to be delivered to departments by the mail room staff?
Mail and packages for faculty and staff addressed to 1834 Wake Forest Road will continue to be delivered to the Wake Forest mail room in Benson Center. Departments that have mail delivered by Campus Mail Services will continue as is.

Where can I find up-to-date information on mail and package services for faculty, staff and students and families?
Visit Wake Forest University’s Mailing Services website for
Department Mailbox Updates and New Reynolda Campus Addresses Information.

What other actions should departments take related to this change?
Departments may want to add their physical delivery address to their websites and provide a link to the
interactive campus map. A PDF map of the Reynolda Campus is also available and includes the new addresses. 

If faculty or staff need an Uber ride or want to use a food delivery service such as Uber Eats, what address should be used?
Faculty and staff should use the new unique address for their building or location so services know where to go on campus. Students will continue to receive Uber or food deliveries at their residence halls.

How long will it take for the new addresses to appear on Google and work on Google Directions or Waze?
The new addresses are expected to be recognized on navigation apps by Fall 2023. 

How will new addresses be provided to emergency responders so they can use them to find locations on campus? WFUPD is working with the City and County to implement use of the new addresses.
