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Two Summer ’23 construction projects will affect pedestrian and vehicle traffic around the Wellness Center.

Map of paving project

Click map to enlarge

1. Renovation to Kentner Field (April 24 through July 7): Vehicle and pedestrian traffic will be blocked off in Lot L at Kentner Stadium at the back side of the Wellness Center and Manchester Athletic Center.

2. Renovation to Wake Forest Rd. from the shuttle hub intersection to the University Pkwy gate.
Phase 1 (May 16 through June 30)

  • WFU Transportation Shuttle Hub will be temporarily relocated to ZSR Circle Dr.
  • The intersection at Wake Forest Rd and McPherson Rd. will not be accessible to vehicular traffic. Pedestrian traffic will be able to travel McPherson Rd. on the west side sidewalk through the Shuttle Hub at the intersection.
  • The north side of parking lot L behind the Wellness Center will be blocked off to public traffic during this period. Wellbeing Center assigned parking spots dedicated to off-campus faculty and staff will be temporarily relocated to Lot L by Manchester Athletic Center.
  • Access to Carroll Weathers Dr. will be available and will function as a 3-way stop. Traffic patterns will occasionally shift to a single lane as crews work in the intersection.

Phase 2  (July 1 through July 31)

  • Wake Forest Rd. from Carroll Weather Dr. intersection to University Parkway Gate will be closed.
  • The main University Parkway campus gate will be closed during this period. Signage will redirect campus traffic to the Polo Rd. or Reynolda Rd gates.
  • Access to Carroll Weathers Dr. will be available and will function as a 3-way stop. Traffic patterns will occasionally shift to a single lane as crews work in the intersection.

Questions or concerns? Contact Facilities and Campus Services Project Manager Chris Looper at

