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poster for donationsEach November, The Campus Kitchen at Wake Forest hosts its largest event of the year – TurkeyPalooza – preparing 600 hundred Thanksgiving meals from scratch for members of the Winston-Salem/Forsyth County community.

Turkeypalooza is partner-specific, which means Wake Forest works directly with its established community partners and does not schedule or deliver meals to individual community partners.

Since 2006, The Kitchen has recovered over 560,000 pounds of food to make over 130,000 meals, while engaging over 13,000 volunteers. All of this was possible due to the generous support from Wake Forest students, faculty, and staff.

Members of the Wake Forest community can help out in many ways this year including:

🦃 Sign up for a volunteer shift to help cook or deliver meals from November 13-19. Volunteer signups require a login with WFU credentials.

🦃 Make a donation – anything and everything helps. A $5 donation will buy ingredients for a batch of cranberry sauce; $10 will cover green beans for $15 sides, $20 will purchase a turkey, $50 will help make 3 batches of stuffing using local produce, and $100 will buy all the ingredients needed to make cookies. A gift to Turkeypalooza helps sustain this annual tradition and also goes further to support the year-round efforts of the Campus Kitchen at Wake Forest University.

The Campus Kitchen at Wake Forest is one of the University’s premier sustainability initiatives; rescuing and recovering food from local grocery stores and the campus dining halls, that would otherwise go to waste and using it to fight hunger and poverty in the greater Winston-Salem area.

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