Congratulations to the following Wake Forest faculty members who have had proposals funded.

Amanda Alston, assistant director of community partnerships, Office of Civic & Community Engagement, whose proposal “AmeriCorps VISTA Project” has been funded by the Corporation for National & Community Service (AmeriCorps).

Grey Ballard, associate professor of computer science, whose proposal “Sparsitute: A Mathematical Institute for Sparse and Structured Problems in Science and Engineering” has been funded by the U.S. Department of Energy.

Shannon Brady, assistant professor of psychology, whose proposal “A Short Scale of College Belonging: Factor Structure, Measurement Invariance, and Predictive Validity” has been funded by the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues.

Eleni Caldwell, visiting clinical professor of education, whose proposal “NCICU Science of Reading Subgrant” has been funded by Goodnight Educational Foundation and North Carolina Independent Colleges & Universities.

David Carroll, professor of physics, whose proposal “Phase II STTR Project with the Air Force” has been funded by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research and Streamline Automation, LLC.

Lisa Kiang, professor of psychology, whose proposal “One Talk at a Time: A racial-ethnic socialization intervention for minoritized families to reduce mental health and academic inequalities” has been funded by the William T. Grant Foundation and UNC Greensboro.

Marianne Magjuka, assistant dean of students, executive director, Office of Civic & Community Engagement, whose proposal “Public Health Corps AmeriCorps Grant” has been funded by the Corporation for National & Community Service (AmeriCorps) and the NC Commission on Volunteerism & Community Service.

Emily McCord, news director, WFDD, whose proposal “RFA Newsroom Host Grant” has been funded by Report for America.






