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Faculty and staff are invited to participate in WISE: Connect 2022, offered by the Center for Global Programs & Studies, on Friday, Feb. 11, from 11 a.m. to Noon EST via Zoom Webinar.

The Virtual Symposium speaker Dr. Amer Ahmed (he/him), vice provost for diversity, equity and inclusion at the University of Vermont, will present ‘Glocal’ Justice: Toward an Equity Imperative in International Education.

This virtual professional development event is offered, at no charge, in lieu of the annual conference traditionally attended by faculty and international education practitioners from around the world.

Registration is now open via our website: Questions may be directed to or a member of the WISE Planning Team: Leigh Stanfield, Sandra Lisle McMullen, Kim Snipes, Tina Deloglos.

The Workshop on Intercultural Skills Enhancement (WISE) began in 2008 as a small forum for WFU faculty and counterparts from nearby colleges to exchange strategies around integrating intercultural competency into study abroad courses and program design. WISE has evolved into an internationally-recognized conference – and now virtual event – which connects colleagues interested in expanding their global awareness and impact.

Categories: Happening at Wake
