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Ellen Kirkman has been awarded a 2022 Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM) Service Award for her eight years of service (2012-2020) as AWM Treasurer and Chair of the Financial Oversight and Investment Committee, for her service on the Membership Portfolio Committee, and for her role as an organizer and a research leader in the WINART (Women in Noncommutative Algebra and Representation Theory) Research Network.

As AWM Treasurer, Kirkman made dramatic improvements in the budget process and was integral in developing and implementing an investment policy for AWM. She worked tirelessly to provide AWM with conservative stewardship, allowing the Association to continue on a sound financial footing into the next 50 years.

An active member of the WINART Research Network, Kirkman helped organize the special session “New Developments in Noncommutative Algebra & Representation Theory” at the 2017 Joint Math Meetings and the WINART2 workshop in 2019 – an event whose purpose is to bring together women and non-binary people to do research.

The AWM Service Award, established by the AWM Executive Committee in November 2012, recognizes individuals for helping to promote and support women in mathematics through exceptional voluntary service to the Association for Women in Mathematics. The award is given annually to a select group of AWM volunteers in recognition of their extensive time and effort devoted to AWM activities during the previous seven years.

Kirkman previously received the WFU Schoonmaker Award (2007) and a Distinguished Service Award from the Southeastern Section of the Mathematical Association of America (2012).

Read more about Kirkman’s contributions on the AWM website here.
