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Congratulations to the following faculty whose proposals have been funded.

Kristen Beavers, assistant professor of health and exercise science, whose proposal entitled “Incorporating Nutrition, Vests, Education, and Strength Training in Bone Health (INVEST in Bone Health)” has been funded by the National Institutes of Health.

Abbey Bourdon, assistant professor of mathematics and statistics, whose proposal entitled “LEAPS-MPS: Isolated Points on Curves” has been funded by the National Science Foundation.

Shannon Brady, assistant professor of psychology, whose proposal entitled “Infusing Psychological Wisdom into the Advanced Placement Full-Year Model” has been funded by the College Board and by (subaward/subcontract from) the Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University.

Mark Curtis, associate professor of economics, whose proposal entitled “Green Jobs or Lost Jobs? The Distributional Implications for US Workers in a Low Carbon Economy” has been funded by the Washington Center for Equitable Growth.

Courtney Di Vittorio, assistant professor of engineering, whose proposal entitled “Quantification of Historic and Future Changes in Atlantic Coastal Marshes and Implications for Global Ocean Modeling” has been funded by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

Jason Fanning, assistant professor of health and exercise science, whose proposal entitled “Enhancing cognitive function in breast cancer survivors through community-based aerobic exercise training” has been funded by the National Institutes of Health and by (subaward/subcontract from) University of Nebraska Medical Center.

Michael Gross, associate professor of engineering, whose proposal entitled “Template-Directed Electrode Nanostructure Engineering” has been funded by the U.S. Department of Energy and by (subaward/subcontract from) Oak Ridge Associated University.

Erin Henslee, assistant professor of engineering, whose proposal entitled “Understanding how Making contributes to student self-efficacy and character development across multiple STEM disciplines and student identities” has been funded by the National Science Foundation.

Emily Huang, assistant professor of mathematics and statistics, whose proposal entitled “Integrating lifecourse approaches, biologic and digital phenotypes in support of heart and lung disease epidemiologic research” has been funded by the National Institutes of health and by (subaward/subcontract from) Harvard University, President and Fellows of Harvard College.

David Johnson, assistant professor of counseling, whose proposal entitled “Examining the Associations between Cultural Humility, Implicit Racial Bias, and Mindfulness Practices among Counselors and Mental Health Professionals” has been funded by the American Counseling Association.

Daniel Kim-Shapiro, professor of physics, whose proposal entitled “Antidote for inhaled CO poisoning based on mutationally engineered neuroglobin” has been funded by the National Institutes of Health and by (subaward/subcontract from) University of Pittsburgh.

Lauren Lowman, assistant professor, whose proposal entitled “Collaborative Research RUI: Will climate change lead to system shifts on tropical mountains?” has been funded by the National Science Foundation.

James Pease, assistant professor of biology and affiliate faculty of computer science, whose proposal entitled “Collaborative Research: BEE: Bridging the ecology and evolution of East African Acacias across time and space: genomics, ecosystem, and diversification” has been funded by the National Science Foundation.

Jack Rejeski, research professor of health and exercise science, whose proposal entitled “Pepper Older Americans Independence Center and Coordinating Center: Clinical Research Core” has been funded by the National Institutes of Health and by (subaward/subcontract from) WFU Health Sciences and whose proposal entitled “Intervening on sedentary behavior to prevent weight regain in older adults” has been funded by the National Institutes of Health and by (subaward/subcontract from) WFU Health Sciences.

Miles Silman, professor of biology, whose proposal entitled “Advanced Sensing and Analysis to Support Protected Area Protection, Management, and Establishment” has been funded by the New Venture Fund.

Christina Soriano, associate professor of dance, whose proposal entitled “A Randomized Trial of Dance on Mood, Balance and Brain in Alzheimer’s Disease” has been funded by the National Institutes of Health and by (subaward/subcontract from) WFU Health Sciences.

Eric Stone, professor of psychology, whose proposal entitled “Collaborative Research: Behavioral Consequences of Excessive Confidence” has been funded by the National Science Foundation.

Christian Waugh, associate professor of psychology, whose proposal entitled “Investigating the neural systems that support the beneficial effects of positive emotion on stress regulation” has been funded by the National Institutes of Health and by (subaward/subcontract from) University of Denver.

Saami Yazdani, associate professor of engineering, whose proposal entitled “Ex Vivo Testing Assessment of Varying Drug Coated Balloon Coating” has been funded by the Advanced NanoTherapies Inc. and for whose proposal entitled “Pharmacokinetic evaluation of a Drug Eluting Balloon Technology” has been funded by the OrbusNeich Medical Company Limited.

Clifford Zeyl, professor of biology, whose proposal entitled “Evolutionary consequences of experimental transfer into yeast populations of an animal transposon” has been funded by the National Science Foundation.

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