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Congratulations to Grey Ballard, assistant professor of computer science, whose proposal entitled “Robust, Scalable, and Practical Low-Rank Approximation” has been funded by the National Science Foundation.

Congratulations to Lindsay Comstock-Ferguson, associate professor of chemistry, whose proposal entitled “RNA Modification and Antibiotic Resistance” has been funded by the National Institutes of Health and by (subaward/subcontract from) Emory University.

Congratulations to Seth Hayden, associate professor of counseling and clinical mental health program coordinator, whose proposal entitled “Bi-Erasure and the Impact on Health and Well-Being” has been funded by the American Institute of Bisexuality.

Congratulations to Jack Rejeski, research professor of health and exercise science, whose proposal entitled “Long-term function and health effects of intentional weight loss in obese elders” has been funded by the National Institutes of Health and by (subaward/subcontract from) WFU Health Sciences.
