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Informational flyer for IdeasCityWS: Marketplace of Ideas event, which will be held in downtown Winston-Salem on Saturday, Oct. 2, 2021As a reminder, an outdoor festival marking the culmination of a year of creative collaborations between Wake Forest University, New York City’s New Museum and local community partners will be held on Saturday, Oct. 2, in Bailey Park from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. in downtown Winston-Salem.

A highlight of the event will be the Marketplace of Ideas – an “outdoor living room” with interactive exhibits from two dozen local creative organizations representing progressive contributions in art, tech, design and culture. Artists, entrepreneurs, designers, and inventors will display working ideas poised to move our communities forward as we imagine a post-pandemic Winston-Salem.

The celebration is free and open to the public.

Information is available on the IdeasCityWS website and will be updated as events and presenters are added.

Visit the Wake Forest News website to read the full story.

Categories: Happening at Wake
