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There are several participant spots remaining for the fall 2021 “Healthy Weight for You” (HWFU) program. “Healthy Weight for You” is a free, six-month weight management program offered by Wake Forest’s Healthy Exercise and Lifestyle ProgramS (HELPS) and human resources to full-time, permanent Wake Forest University employees free of charge. Blue bicycle leaning against a dogwood tree

The program is designed to assist and support individuals who want to lose weight but aren’t sure where to start. Healthy Weight for You goes beyond healthy lifestyle modification, with a laser focus on weight loss, offering a combination of weight-loss strategies and techniques to help people reach their goals and find a healthy weight for you.

Weekly group sessions will be held virtually via Zoom on Thursdays from 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m, beginning Aug. 6, 2021.

Program highlights and participant criteria are available here.

To enroll or request more information, please contact Kristy Lievense at or 336.758.3486. Space is limited, so please submit your application as soon as possible!
