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Every four years since 1963, a small group of students has traveled to New York City, with University funds, to purchase art for Wake Forest’s Student Union Collection of Contemporary Art. Members of the quadrennial Art Buying Class at Wake Forest wear face masks and pose for a group photo outside Scales Fine Arts Center Student ambassadors are charged with choosing works that reflect the times. The group’s priority in selecting this year’s art has been adding diversity to the collection. Research has focused heavily on exploring artists’ backgrounds to help in selecting broad and inclusive works for the University community – both now and for years to come.

Due to COVID-19 travel restrictions, the 2021 art-buying “trip” became a virtual art-buying experience. Students connected virtually with galleries nationwide to view artworks and learn about each artist’s personal history and the lived experiences influencing their work.

On Wednesday, April 28, at 6 p.m., the Student Union Art Acquisition Committee (SUAAC) will unveil their purchases in a virtual presentation. All are invited to see the artworks and learn more about what influenced students’ choices.

Register here to join the free, virtual event.

Read more about the challenges and pleasures of buying art during the pandemic in “Art for impact: Students purchase works for WFU to reflect the times” on the University news site.

Categories: Happening at Wake
