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The Southeastern Center for Contemporary Art (SECCA) invites the Wake Forest and Winston-Salem communities to participate in an experimental installation, “EVERYWHERE’S INSIDE-OUTSIDE,” Wednesday, April 14 through Saturday, April 17. Informational flyer for "Interstital 3" exhibition at SECCA on April 14-17 EVERYWHERE’S INSIDE-OUTSIDE is a Zoom dance video booth that allows visitors to dance virtually with strangers in other people’s spaces. The public, abstract improvisation addresses our isolation even as we begin to transition out of quarantine and serves as a unique lens for reflection on this moment of transition in our world.

EVERYWHERE’S INSIDE-OUTSIDE is part of the exhibition “Interstitial 3” at SECCA, hosted with support from the Wake Forest University Interdisciplinary Arts Center (IAC). The collaborative project was developed by Steve Morrison, Wake Forest communications strategist for the arts, and local dancers Chris Yon and Taryn Griggs.

Submit this form to join the experience.

Categories: Happening at Wake
