This message was sent on behalf of Dean Jonathan Lee Walton and Chaplain Tim Auman.

As the University Chaplain and the Dean of Wait Chapel, we sit in sorrow and solidarity with all those affected by the horrific mass shooting in Atlanta. Our souls lament for the eight precious people murdered, their families, and our siblings of Asian descent in this country. The latter continue to endure increased cases of violent attacks and harassment — targets of ignorance and xenophobia.

In the face of such hatred and heinous behavior, expressions of “positive thoughts and prayers” can feel trite. Nevertheless, we must pray. We must act in love. History teaches us that the best defense against hate, intolerance and ignorance is a better offense of care, compassion and empathy. Thus, we encourage you to reach out to classmates, neighbors, friends, and family members of Asian descent. During times of heartbreak and fear, presence is an effective prayer.

In sorrow yet solidarity.

Timothy L. Auman, University Chaplain

One Luv,
Jonathan Lee Walton, Dean of the School of Divinity & Wait Chapel
