The following message is shared on behalf of Wake Forest University Human Resources; it appeared in the department’s winter break reminders email to faculty and staff.

As many of us take a well-deserved break this holiday season, your health and wellbeing continue to be our top priority and concern. Cases of COVID-19 are increasing significantly in our area and across the country. You can reduce the likelihood of your exposure to COVID-19 by following the CDC’s guidance on the Three Ws, limit the number of individuals with whom you spend time, always wear a face covering when with others who do not live in your home, and avoid gatherings where meals are served. The CDC has also provided guidance on holiday gatherings, various types of travel, and new recommendations for testing and quarantine related to international travel.

Winter break guidance for students was distributed in this message from Penny Rue, Vice President for Campus Life.

This year has been exceptionally challenging, both professionally and personally, for many. The holiday season reminds us of what we have to be grateful for – our Wake Forest community. It was the individual commitment of each one of you that helped keep campus open and our positive case count minimal this semester. Thank you for your enduring dedication to our students and to each other.
