This message was sent on behalf of Gerald Roach, Chair of the WFU Board of Trustees.

Dear Wake Forest community,

Thank you for your interest and engagement in the search for Wake Forest’s 14th president. In October, we invited you to share your thoughts through our online presidential survey. So far, nearly 800 Wake Foresters have contributed their thoughts through the survey, and we have learned a great deal about what is on the minds of faculty, staff, students, alumni and parents and families. The love this community feels for Wake Forest is evident, and the amount of ownership you take in the success of this institution is admirable.

We also hosted several Calls to Conversation: Informing the Search for Wake Forest’s 14th President, where we engaged several hundred more Wake Foresters. Our University boards and councils participated in these conversations in addition to a series of conversations open to all in our community. Like the survey responses, these conversations further inform our search.

As we move ahead, the Advisory Committees and Presidential Transition Committees participating in the Calls to Conversation will share their feedback with the Search Committee. Additionally, we will continue gathering survey results and distilling the themes from those responses. The Search Committee has received nominations of candidates from the community, and we are engaged with an executive search firm. The process, on all fronts, is moving forward.

I will continue to share updates with the Wake Forest community on the search website as we move through the process.

Thank you for joining us in the work of finding our next leader.


Gerald F. Roach (’80, JD ’82, P ’09, P ’12, P ’12)
Chair, Wake Forest University Board of Trustees
