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The next Staff Advisory Council (SAC) meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, Nov. 11, from 3 to 4:30 p.m. Staff will receive an emailed link to the Zoom Webinar the day before each meeting. November meeting topics and speakers are listed below.

Spring sports updates from:

  • Coach Steve Forbes, Men’s Basketball
  • Frank Davis, director of Men’s Basketball
  • Liv Bresnahan, director of Women’s Basketball

Title IX updates from:

  • Penny Rue, vice president of Campus Life
  • Aishah Casseus, Title IX director

Newsletter highlights

  • The 2020 WakeUnited Campaign is underway. The annual campaign aims to unite our global campus community in the spirit of pro humanitate. We are partnered with the United Way to identify and address the most significant needs among those most at risk here in Winston-Salem and the surrounding areas. Visit the WakeUnited site to learn more, and consider making a pledge.
  • Campus Kitchen is raising funds for Turkeypalooza, its largest event of the year. During last year’s Turkeypalooza, Wake Forest volunteers prepared and delivered 350 traditional Thanksgiving meals to food-insecure Winston-Salem residents. All funds will go towards ingredients for the meals made and non-perishable food distribution.
  • International Education Week 2020 begins on Monday, Nov. 16. It serves as a reminder that college that university campuses play a special part in shaping the awareness of our role in the global village. Staff, faculty and students are invited to join events throughout the week, sponsored by The Center for Global Programs and Studies, Intercultural Center, Department of East Asian Languages & Cultures, Museum of Anthropology, University Counseling Center and Campus Recreation. Office of Diversity and Inclusion, East Asian Languages and Campus Recreation.
  • The Chaplain’s Office is collecting gift cards to help our campus community this holiday season. The holiday deadline is Nov. 20, though the Chaplain’s Office accepts gift cards year round.

The Office of Civic and Community Engagement, LGBTQ+ Center, Office of Diversity and Inclusion, Office of Wellbeing and others are offering a wide range of events, workshops and virtual engagement opportunities for staff and faculty.

View the full list on the SAC Nov. 2020 newsletter.
