This is part two of seven highlighting proposals funded during the fall of 2020.

Congratulations to Regina Cordy, assistant professor of biology, whose proposal entitled “A systems biology investigation of the interplay between gut microbes and blood metabolites in the development of malarial anemia” has been funded by the National Institutes of Health.

Congratulations to Mark Curtis, associate professor of economics, whose proposal entitled “How Does Capital Investment Affect Workers?” has been funded by the Russell Sage Foundation and by (subaward/subcontract from) Duke University.

Congratulations to Christian Miller, professor of philosophy, whose proposal entitled “The Honesty Project” has been funded by the John Templeton Foundation.

Congratulations to Jack Rejeski, research professor of health and exercise science, whose proposal entitled “Pepper Older Americans Independence Center and Coordinating Center: Clinical Research Core” has been funded by the National Institutes of Health and by (subaward/subcontract) from WFU Health Sciences.

Congratulations to Shelley Sizemore, director of community partnerships in the Office of Civic & Community Engagement, whose proposal entitled “Forsyth County Youth Service Zone: Building capacity for youth leadership & service” has been funded by the Youth Service America.
