This information in this post is provided by Wake Forest University Police Department

The University maintains a Crisis Management Team which may be activated by senior University officials for response to emergencies on campus. The Team follows the guideline of the University Crisis Plan and the accompanying Incident Command System for the Wake Forest University Crisis Management Plan. Team members and University Police have received U.S. Department of Homeland Security Incident Command training. The University Crisis Management Team conducts emergency response drills annually and includes County Emergency Management, Winston- Salem Police, Fire and EMS.


How to evacuate:

  • When you hear a fire alarm, leave the building immediately.
  • Alert others as you leave and ask if they need help.
  • Close doors to slow the spread of fire.
  • Do not use elevators unless told to do so by emergency workers.
  • Do not attempt to extinguish a fire yourself if you risk putting yourself in danger.

Things to watch for:

  • Watch for people who need help, particularly people with limited mobility or physical disabilities.
  • Activate an alarm if told to do so by police or emergency workers.
  • Remain at an emergency assembly point. A head count may be taken, and emergency workers may have additional instructions.
  • Do not go back into a building until firefighters, police or University officials say it is safe.

How to prepare for a fire-related emergency:

  • Know your building’s floor plan. Remember where the stairs, fire extinguishers and emergency exits are located.
  • If you regularly visit the same location within a building, know exactly how many doors you will pass along your evacuation route before you reach the nearest exit.
  • Exit signs may be obstructed by heavy smoke, so you must know how to find an exit.

How to prepare for general emergencies:

  • Know your building’s floor plan. Remember where the stairs, fire extinguishers and emergency exits are located.
  • If you regularly visit the same location within a building, know exactly how many doors you will pass along your evacuation route before you reach the nearest exit. Exit signs may be obstructed in heavy smoke, so you must know how to find an exit.

How to prepare to leave campus:

  • If the campus is evacuated, or you choose to seek shelter with family or friends, plan ahead.
  • Tell your family and friends what your plan is, what route you will take, what means of transportation you use and when you expect to arrive.
  • If you have a vehicle, ensure that it is in good condition and keep at least half a tank of gas in the vehicle. If you do not have a car, plan for alternative means of transportation.
  • Take an emergency kit with you.
  • Leave a note telling others when you left and where you are going.
  • Be sure to keep your campus ID and vehicle registration with you. Access to the campus may be restricted by closing gates and staffing the gatehouses.
