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Dear Colleagues,

Last week we distributed a survey to measure faculty and staff interest to participate in an Imprints Cares E-Learning Enrichment Center for school-age children. We appreciate those who were able to respond and provide us with valuable feedback.

That survey indicated there was significant interest in an Imprints Cares facility near campus and they are working to secure a location.

In the interim, Imprints Cares has offered to host a Zoom meeting tomorrow, August 6 at 5:00 p.m. for Wake Forest faculty and staff to learn more about their e-learning enrichment centers. Interested parents and caregivers are asked to submit questions to this Imprints Cares Google Form prior to the meeting. The Zoom details are included in the email you received.

We understand that Imprints Cares may not meet the needs of all Wake Forest families and encourage colleagues to continue to visit the Women’s Center website for additional resources for parents and caregivers.

WFU Human Resources & The Women’s Center
