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Wake Forest University has established a Title IX 2020 Implementation Task Force led by Vice President for Campus Life Penny Rue and Associate Provost for Academic Initiatives Kami Chavis. 

The group, which held its first meeting on June 3, was established following changes announced in early May by the U.S. Department of Education regarding how colleges and universities must handle sexual-assault and sexual-harassment complaints. The new regulations increase protections for accused students and employees and take effect Aug. 14.

Among the most notable changes, institutions must now hold live hearings and allow cross-examination when deciding sexual-misconduct complaints. The new federal regulations are the first regulatory revisions in 45 years to the federal gender-equity law and will also limit the scope of complaints colleges and universities are required to investigate. 

According to the U.S. Department of Education’s website, for the first time in history, “Title IX regulations define sexual harassment, including sexual assault, as unlawful sex discrimination.” Moreover, according to the website, “the new Title IX regulations hold schools accountable for failure to respond equitably and promptly to sexual misconduct incidents and ensure a more reliable adjudication process that is fair to all students.”

Rue, Chavis and Interim Title IX Coordinator Tonya Deem sent a letter campus wide on May 13 announcing the new Title IX Regulations. 

“At this time, the most important thing to know is that the safety and wellbeing of our campus community will always be our highest priority,” the letter stated. “We assure you that our institutional commitment to preventing, responding to and providing a fair process regarding sexual harassment and sexual assault remains resolute.

“Compliance with the new regulations will require Wake Forest and other colleges and universities to amend institutional policies related to sex discrimination and sexual harassment, including sexual assault, stalking and dating violence,” the letter continued. “The University’s implementation of the new regulations will be led by the Office of the Provost, the Title IX Office and the Division of Campus Life.”

Their letter was followed by one from Wake Forest University President Nathan O. Hatch, in which he noted that as chair of the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators (NASPA), Rue has testified before Congress about Title IX legislation and has significant expertise in the matter.

“As you know, Wake Forest is an institution charged with educating leaders of character,” Hatch’s letter read. “Part of leadership is adhering to a higher standard, recognizing and being driven by a moral code, exhibiting an ethical responsibility toward others and being held to account. Our commitment to this kind of character education has not and will not waiver.”

The Title IX 2020 Implementation Task Force meets weekly, and subcommittee meetings are held as needed. The group’s makeup includes five faculty members, survivor and respondent support professionals, representatives from human resources, athletics and the University’s legal department, and students. Stephanie Trilling, director of the Women’s Center, is working with the student participants.

In addition to Rue, Chavis, Deem and Trilling, steering committee members are: Amanda Beck, Rian Bowie, Allie Clayton, Melissa Clodfelter, Stephanie Duisterhof, Adam Goldstein, Kristina Gupta, Todd Hairston, Bruce Jackson, Shonda Jones, Regina Lawson, Dina Marty, Bethany Miller, Emily Palmieri, Gregory Parks, Pete Paukstelis, Sarah Riney, Jim Settle, Tion Taylor, Jessica Telligman, D’Najah Pendergrass Thomas, Marian Trattner, Barbara Walker, Laurie D. Willis, Mir Yarfitz and Josh Ziesel.

Kriss Dinkins serves as project manager, and there is a 37-member student advisory group led by Trilling. Nominated for participation by departments across campus, the students will spread the word about the upcoming policy changes, assist with gathering feedback from their peers and make recommendations based on student feedback.
