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While new capital projects, largely, have been suspended on the Reynolda Campus, three projects will proceed this summer.  All three are considered necessary to address critical infrastructure and other issues.

They include:

  • Bostwick and Johnson residence halls, neighboring buildings on Gulley Drive that were among the first original buildings to open on the Reynolda Campus. They are closed, at present. Each will receive new heating and cooling equipment that will improve indoor air quality and increase control of indoor environments. Work begins the week of May 4 and will continue through the summer.
  • Greene Hall, Manchester Plaza. The project will focus on some failing structural conditions and water infiltration issues. Some of the project will include replacing certain windows and water proofing, in addition to exterior wall panel work.  Two sides of the building will be worked on—east (facing athletics facilities) and west (facing Manchester Plaza). Access to the building will remain available. The project begins May 11 and will continue through the summer.
  • An extension will be made to the chilled water line that runs underground along Carroll Weathers Drive past Worrell Professional Center. It will be extended underground from the Wake Forest Road/Carroll Weathers Drive intersection to Wellman Way. Temporary road closures are likely, at times, during the project. Work will begin in May (exact date undetermined) and continue through the summer.

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