Wake Forest maintains regularly updated COVID-19 website

Wake Forest is maintaining a regularly updated COVID-19 website with information intended to keep students, faculty, staff and others informed on the University’s latest announcements regarding COVID-19, along with helpful links to the current information provided by federal and other reliable resources.  The site is located at coronavirus.wfu.edu.

More than a dozen messages from University administrators, including President Hatch, are included on the site.  Some messages were sent to all students, faculty and staff, while others were sent to more specific groups, such as students who returned, recently, from Casa Artom.  As more messages are distributed, they will be promptly posted.

Several links take site visitors to information sources such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the World Health Organization and the U.S. State Department.

Recent information is also available regarding University policies regarding international travel and U.S. State Department travel advisories.
