UPDATE: This test of the Wake Alert system has been delayed until Nov. 15 at 3:30 p.m.

This message was e-mailed to students, faculty and staff on Oct. 29 by Wake Forest Communications and External Relations:

This is a reminder that Wake Forest will test its Wake Alert emergency notification system on Oct. 31 at 3:30 p.m.

On campus, people will hear a test message from outdoor speakers distributed at several campus locations, including outside BB&T Field.  Chimes will be heard from the outdoor alert system, initially, followed by a pre-recorded message announcing a test of the emergency alert system.

A test message will be sent by three other methods that are part of the Wake Alert system.  Students, faculty and staff will receive a message by e-mail. And, students, faculty and staff who have registered their cell phone for emergency messages will receive text and voice messages.  All messages will announce a test is being conducted. Anyone who has not registered their cell phone, already, may do so by visiting this website.

No action will be required by anyone during the brief testing.

Wake Forest’s approach to communicating in emergencies is based on redundancy, using numerous methods to promptly communicate with faculty, staff and students, as well as parents, the public and news media.  Additional information is available on the Wake Ready website.
