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In recognition of Campus Fire Safety Month, Insurance Commissioner and State Fire Marshal Mike Causey is partnering with Wake Forest this month to raise awareness of campus fire safety.

Sept. 18 is Campus Safe NC Day for North Carolina colleges and universities. The Wake Forest event is one of several similar efforts by the State of North Carolina on campuses to inform college students how to avoid injury due to fire.

An event at 10 a.m. on Sept. 18 will involve Winston-Salem firefighters setting fire to a mock dorm room outside Scales Fine Arts Center.  It will take place in the traffic circle outside Scales on a flatbed trailer especially set up for the demonstration.  The demonstration is intended to demonstrate how sprinkler systems in University and college residence halls can save lives.

The event is open to students, faculty, staff and others.

The Wake Forest event is one of several similar efforts by the State of North Carolina on campuses to inform college students how to avoid injury due to fire.

Several speakers will be present at the Wake Forest event. They include: Commissioner and Fire Marshall Causey,Vice President for Campus Life Penny Rue, Winston-Salem Fire Chief Trey Mayo, Dr. Anju Bakhshi Saraswat of the Wake Forest Baptist Burn Center, T.J. McLamb of the Fayetteville Fire Department, and Chief State Fire Marshal Brian Taylor.

Wake Forest departments that offer safety programs for students, faculty and staff will host Campus Safe Day activities in Benson University Center, Room 401 from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. featuring door prizes, food and safety information.

Following is a list of Campus safety partners who will participate:

·      Environmental Health and Safety

·      University Police

·      Emergency Management

·      Residence Life and Housing

·      Facilities and Campus Services

·      Counseling Center / Suicide Prevention Program

·      Information Systems

·      Student Health / Student EMTs

·      Deacon One  

·      Office of Chaplain
