Proposals funded: Brunsting, Kim-Shapiro, Lowman, Carroll

Congratulations to Nelson Brunsting, director of global research and assessment, whose proposal entitled “TBIG Planning Grant” has been funded by Tower Bridge International.

Congratulations to Daniel Kim-Shapiro, professor of physics, whose proposal entitled “Omics, mice and men: Development of Precision Transfusion Medicine” has been funded by the National Institutes of Health and by (subaward/subcontract from) the University of Pittsburgh.

Congratulations to Lauren Lowman, assistant professor of engineering, whose proposal entitled “Lost Waterways of Winston-Salem” has been funded by the CUAHSI.

Congratulations to David Carroll, professor of physics, whose proposal entitled “PowerFelt for On-the-go Power” has been funded by NASA and by (subaward/contract from) Streamline Automation LLC.
