Students, faculty and staff at Wake Forest will be informed of any weather-related campus closings and delays this winter by numerous means.

Wake Forest Communications and External Relations will do the following:

–Send a voice message and a text message to all cell phones registered to receive Wake Alert emergency messages. This includes students, faculty and staff who have registered their phones. To register a cell phone, visit Wake Ready.

–Post an announcement on the Wake Alert website.

–Place a banner on top of the University home page (and many other University web pages) that links to the Wake Alert site.

–Distribute an e-mail to students, faculty and staff.

–Post to @WakeAlert Twitter and Facebook (Wake Alert).

–Post on the Inside WFU website.

–Provide information to four area television stations: WXII, WGHP, WFMY and Spectrum News 14.

This information was emailed to students, faculty and staff on Dec. 6, 2018.
