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The Wake Forest University Police Department, in association with D. Stafford and Associates, will present Clery Act training for campus security authorities (CSA) on Jan. 7 between 9 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. in the auditorium at Wake Downtown.

In brief, CSAs are individuals designated by the Clery Act as responsible for reporting specific crimes to University Police when they are aware of the crimes.

Registration for the class is available through the Professional Development Center.

The training is not open to the general public, students, faculty or staff who are not CSAs. By law, CSAs are identified as (but not limited to): deans, the police, coaches (athletics), faculty advisors to student groups, student resident advisors or assistants, Greek affairs coordinators, ombudspersons (including student ombudspersons), directors of campus health or counseling centers, and officials with significant responsibility for student and campus activities, including, but not limited to, student housing, and student discipline and campus judicial proceedings.

Examples of those who do not qualify as CSAs would be faculty members without responsibility for student and campus activity beyond the classroom and clerical staff.
