Faculty books: July 2018

Camm, Jeffrey D., James J. Cochran, Michael J. Fry, Jeffrey W. Ohlmann, & David R. Anderson. (Business). Business Analytics, 3rd ed. Cengage Learning. March 2018.

Coughlin, Christine, & Joan Malmud Rocklin. (Law). A Lawyer Writes: A Practical Guide to Legal Analysis, 3rd ed. Carolina Academic Press. July 2018.

Knake, Renee Newman, & M. Ellen Murphy. (Law). Legal Ethics for the Real World: Building Skills through Case Study. Foundation Press. June 2018.

Morosini, Roberta. (Spanish & Italian). Dante, il Profeta e il Libro: La leggenda del toro dalla Commedia a Filippino Lippi, tra sussurri di colomba ed echi di Bisanzio. L’erma di Bretschneider. June 2018.

Venegas, José Luis. (Spanish & Italian). The Sublime South: Andalusia, Orientalism, and the Making of Modern Spain. Northwestern University Press. July 2018.
