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Wake Forest Fellows, 2018-19, left to right: Sarah York, Alisha Hartley, Dominique Tucker, Clay Hamilton, Jayson Pugh, Joseph Ford, Matthew Connor, Sarah Ottenjohn.

Eight seniors will remain at Wake Forest after graduation in May as Wake Forest Fellows.  They will work throughout the campus community, including in the offices of the President, the Provost and the Dean of the College.

Since 2008, the Wake Forest Fellows program has provided exceptional Wake Forest college graduates with the opportunity to work in higher education administration for a year.  Each fellow will serve as a full-time Wake Forest staff member, starting this summer. In addition to working with top administrators, the fellows will participate in leadership activities and interact with faculty, staff and students to learn about the inner workings of higher education.

The Wake Forest Fellows for 2018-19 are:

  • Campus Life:  Alisha Hartley, Monroe; major, Psychology; minors, Entrepreneurship and Social Enterprise and African studies
  • Dean of the College:  Matthew Connor, High Point; major, Religious Studies with a double major in Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
  • Information Systems:  Sarah Ottenjohn, Cincinnati, Ohio;  major, Mathematical Statistics with a double major in Spanish
  • Office of Personal & Career Development:  Sarah York, Charlotte; major,  Communication (Health-Science Concentration); minors:  Journalism and Creative Writing
  • President’s Office: Joseph Ford, Winston-Salem; major, History
  • Provost’s Office:  Jayson Pugh, Bronx, N.Y.; major, Sociology; minors, American Ethnic Studies and Theatre
  • Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center:  Dominique Tucker, Yorktown, Va.; major, Biology (Microbiology concentration); minors:  Chemistry and Anthropology
  • Wake Downtown:  Clayton Hamilton, Spartanburg, S.C.; major, Music; minors:  Biology and Chemistry

Alumni of the Wake Forest Fellows program have pursued careers in many fields, including law, medicine, public policy and more.  Fellows have since received prestigious academic honors such as Rhodes and Fulbright scholarships.
