Faculty promotions 2018
Congratulations to Wake Forest faculty who have received promotions, effective July 1.
Promotion to Full Professor
Fred Chen, Economics
Adam Friedman, Education
Jed Macosko, Physics
Rebecca Morrow, School of Law
Lynn Neal, Study of Religions
Wayne Pratt, Psychology
Sarah Raynor, Mathematics and Statistics
Fred Salsbury, Physics
Michelle Voss Roberts, School of Divinity
Promotion to Associate Professor
Mark Alan Brown, Education
Amy Catanzano, English
Benjamin Coates, History
Chanchal Dadlani, Art
Sara Dahill-Brown, Politics and International Affairs
Robert Erhardt, Mathematics & Statistics
Eranda Jayawickreme, Psychology
Eric Jones, Anthropology
Zak Lancaster, English
Ronald Neal, Study of Religions
John Oksanish, Classical Languages
Jennifer Priem, Communication
Ron Von Burg, Communication
Ke Zhang, Biology
Promotion to Full Professor of Legal Writing
Harold Lloyd, School of Law
Abigail Perdue, School of Law
Promotion to Senior Librarian
Steve Kelley, Z. Smith Reynolds Library
Promotion to Associate Teaching Professor
Eric Ekstrand, English
Heath Greene, Psychology
Anna Kate Lack, Biology
Eric Stottlemyer, English
Brian Warren, Classical Languages
Elisabeth Whitehead, English
Promotion to Full Professor of the Practice
Justin Green, Communication
Promotion to Associate Professor of the Practice
Chris Martin, Theatre and Dance
Categories: University Announcements