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For nearly 10 years, Wake Forest University’s Centers and Institutes have added greatly to the scholarly and creative life of campus, helping enhance both the impact and visibility of faculty engagement across disciplines. Wake Forest salutes and congratulates the faculty and staff who currently serve in, or have recently concluded, directorships and related leadership roles:

  • A new Center is in its planning-grant year, the Center for Functional Materials. Timo Thonhauser and Oana Jurchescu, both of our Department of Physics, serve as Co-planning Directors. The Center aims to bring together faculty from physics, chemistry, engineering and medicine to explore organic electronics, metal-organic framework materials and other next-generation materials.
  • Marianne Magjuka became the Executive Director of the Pro Humanitate Institute in September. Wake Forest thanks Melissa Harris-Perry, who previously served as the Executive Director and whose term as Faculty Director concluded at the end of the fall semester, for her three-year tenure at the helm of PHI and her ongoing direction of the Anna Julia Cooper Center.
  • Recently, Dan Cohen was named John C. Whitaker, Jr. Executive Director of the Center for Innovation, Creativity & Entrepreneurship (ICE), with Paul Pauca taking the helm as ICE Faculty Director. University leaders extend their gratitude to Polly Black, outgoing director, and Bill Conner, who, until recently, served as Faculty Director since ICE’s inception.
