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The American Physical Society has elected Associate Professor of Physics Timo Thonhauser among its 2017 APS Fellows.

The APS Fellowship Program recognizes members who have made exceptional contributions to the physics enterprise, including outstanding physics research, important applications of physics, leadership in or service to physics, or significant contributions to physics education.

APS Fellowship is a distinct honor as every Fellow is nominated by his or her peers. Each year, no more than one half of one percent of the Society’s membership is elected to the status of Fellow.

The APS recognized Thonhauser for his contributions to include van der Waals interactions in density functional theory.

Thonhauser’s research group at Wake Forest conducts research in theoretical and computational condensed-matter physics and materials science with a focus on the development of ab-initio electronic-structure methods and their application to bio-, nano-, and energy-related materials. These theoretical studies go hand-in-hand with experimental research and provide the necessary framework to understand the behavior and characteristics of materials. Such knowledge is the basis for the design of new, improved, and advanced materials with direct applications to all areas of technology.

His most recent research includes a new method for capturing radioactive waste from nuclear power plants. According to a new study published in the journal Nature Communications, this technique is cheaper and more effective than current methods, and may be a potential boon for the energy industry. Read more at
