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This announcement was emailed to students, faculty and staff on Oct. 5 by Information Systems:

Information Systems will perform required maintenance on certain core network equipment on Thursday, October 12 between 5:00 p.m. and 11:59 p.m. During this time period all network and computing services will be unavailable on campus.

If you are on campus during the outage period you will not be able to reach Internet-based services such as Google mail and Sakai; in addition, you will not be able to reach campus resources such as voicemail, VPN, WIN, Banner, etc. If you have a Cisco phone, it will also be offline.

If you are off campus during the maintenance window, public-facing resources and cloud-based resources such as the website, Google mail and Sakai will continue to function normally.

This maintenance work is being performed so that core security appliances remain up to date and fully supported by our vendor, Cisco Systems. We will work with them and our installation partner throughout the outage, to ensure we use the outage window effectively.

If you have questions concerning this message or need assistance, please contact us at or 336-758-4357 (HELP).

Information Systems
