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See a list of employees joining and leaving the University in January 2017:


Anderson, Jesse Wayne; Adjunct; Law: Faculty Support Student Payrol
Baker, Benjamin Spencer; Part-Time Lecture; Theatre
Ballard, Parissa Jahromi; Adjunct; Psychology
Barbee, Janice Ritchie; Adjunct; Education
Beeler, John L; Team Building Supervisor; Graylyn: Ads & Promotions
Beeler, Michael Eugene; Visiting Assistant Professor; WFUSB-Instruction
Beitler, Michael Allen; Visiting Assistant Professor; WFUSB-Instruction
Bishop, Timothy James; Tutor; Athletics: Student Athletes Svcs
Bolow, Kerri L; Senior Grants Administrator; Financial & Accounting Service
Boyd, Marsha Foster; Adjunct; Divinity: Vocational Development
Byrd, Joseph Daniel Wagstaff; Shuttle Driver; Parking & Transportation
Casados, Jose Jesus; Shuttle Driver; Parking & Transportation
Crutch, Erica M; Asst Director, Enrollment Mgmt; WFUSB-MA Program Admin
Dallas, Terrell DeShawn; Recruiting Assistant; Athletics: Football
Daniel, Ray Coleman; Shuttle Driver; Parking & Transportation
Dominijanni, Anthony Joseph; Tutor; Athletics: Student Athletes Svcs
Dunn, India ; Academic Counselor; Dean of Wake Forest College
Engstrom, Melinda Bruce; Adjunct; WFUSB-Instruction
Ergenzinger, Edward Robert; Adjunct; Law: Instruction
Falgione, Odessa M; Assistant Manager; Graylyn: Food Services
Ferris, Andrew ; Assistant Coach; Athletics: Track & Cross Ctry-Men
Fish, Rufus Talmage; Adjunct; Online Counseling Program
Godwin, Sarah McKenzie; Tutor; Athletics: Student Athletes Svcs
Griffin, Jeffrey Christian; Game Day Assistant; Athletics: Sports Marketing
Harrill, Nathan Graham; Adjunct; Law: Instruction
Harris, JS R.; Adjunct; Divinity School
Harrison, David L; Adjunct; Law: Instruction
Hemphill, Lyle Joseph; Assistant Coach; Athletics: Football
Hindo, Sarmad Sahiel; Visiting Assistant Professor; Chemistry
Holcomb, Celeste Grace; Administrative Assistant; Religion
Holton, Robert Palmer; Adjunct; Graduate School: Administration
Jarachovic, Andrew; Adjunct; WFUSB-Instruction
Jodrey, Donald Shaffer; Adjunct; Law: Instruction
Johnson, Lindy Maness; Asst Dir, Physical Security; Residence Life & Housing
Kennett, Elizabeth Parsons; Adjunct; Divinity School
Khawaja, Shahnaz Usman; Adjunct; Online Counseling Program
Kimel, Sally Kuker; Accompanist; Theatre: Dance
Kraft, Andrew Allan; Adjunct; Education
Lauer, Steven Allen; Adjunct; Law: Instruction
Leon-Tavora, Ana Maria; Adjunct; Women’s and Gender Studies
Leslie, Andrew William; Adjunct Asst. Prof. Comm; Communication
Lineburg, Wayne Everett; Assistant Coach; Athletics: Football
Manning, Scott Hunter; Transportation Assistant; Graylyn: Guest Services
Marsh, Malessa R; Medical Office Assistant; Student Health Service
Martin, Jessica Lauren; Adjunct; Counseling
Mbuvi, Andrew Mutua; Adjunct; Divinity School
McFetridge, Mark; Director; Graylyn: Rooms
McKeen, Shannon Daniel; Instructor; WFUSB-Instruction
Menhinick, Martin Andrew; Adjunct; Divinity School
Miller, Kevin LeVern; Adjunct; Law: Instruction
Minnigan, Rayna ; Global Programs Assistant; Global Abroad Programs
Mugabe, Henry ; Adjunct; Divinity School
Oseroff-Varnell, Dee ; Lecturer; London/Worrell House
Pike, Robert Emerson; Adjunct; WFUSB-Instruction
Pope, Randy Keith; Security Officer; University Police
Potter, Ryan Michel; Assistant Coach; Athletics: Golf – Women
Pulley, Allison ; Tutor; Athletics: Student Athletes Svcs
Rauthmann, John ; Assistant Professor; Psychology
Redd, Taylor D; Recruiting Assistant; Athletics: Football
Reihner, Kevin Arthur; Recruiting Assistant; Athletics: Football
Ruley, Katherine Dils; Dir, Sports Nutrition; Athletics: Administration
Sadeh, Shamu Fenyvesi; Adjunct; Divinity School
Sarratt, John Lester; Adjunct; Law: Instruction
Saunders, Cecil James; Post Doc Research Associate; Biology
Sawvel, Jay Aaron; Assistant Coach; Athletics: Football
Scarritt, Natalie; Event & Program Assistant; Reynolda House: Event/Program Mgmt
Scott, William MacKay; Adjunct; Law: Instruction
Sebesta, Nicholas Daniel; Clerical Assistant; Athletics: Media Relations
Simpson, Lu Anne Mollman; Client Coordinator; Law: Elder Clinic
Smith, Brian Thomas Lightfoot; Laboratory Manager; Chemistry
Steele, Keith; Security Officer; University Police
Swindle, Paula Johnson; Adjunct; Online Counseling Program
Taylor, John Stuart; Adjunct; Divinity School
Thompson, Clay M.; Groundskeeper; FACS: Landscaping Services
Tomlinson, Tommy Leonard; Adjunct; English
Townsend, Christopher Bernard; Adjunct; Counseling
Tyson, Lori Nicole; Group Fitness Instructor; Fitness Center
Watson, Leigh Dickerson; Adjunct; Psychology
Weiss, Ivan Jay; Adjunct; English
White, Courtney Elizabeth; Junior Conference Coordinator; Graylyn: Ads & Promotions
Windsor, Elroi J; Part-time Assistant Professor; Women’s and Gender Studies
Zalutskiy, Maxim Pavlovich; Part-Time Assistant Professor; Physics


Baker, Benjamin Curtis; Athletics: Football
Barron, Elizabeth Irene; Romance Languages
Birmingham, Hayley Michelle; Advancement: Gifts/Records
Elko, Michael  ; Athletics: Football
Fogley, Rebecca Lynn; Counseling Center
Frantz, Kristin Marie; Music
Jackson, Derrick Todd; Athletics: Football
Kelly, Donnarrias Arkeem; FACS: Custodial Services
Lea, Clark Dowell; Athletics: Football
Livingston, June Watts; FACS: Custodial Services
McKay, Hannah Mary; Law: Elder Clinic
McKay, Kendrick Antwan; Parking & Transportation
Mihill, Vinithra Sharma; Int’l Students & Scholars
Nelums, Ericka Dozier; Parking & Transportation
Parker, Priscilla Joyce; Advancement: National Media
Peral, Lindsay Seawright; Student Health Service
Pratt, Joseph  ; Athletics: Football
Waite, Kelley  ; Student Health Service
Weinberg, Barbara Nicole; Athletics: Field Hockey – Women
Wiles, Lexus Dayne; Advancement: Gifts/Records
