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This message was emailed to faculty and staff from Communications and External Relations on Jan. 3:

We are saddened to announce that Dudley Shapere, Reynolds Professor Emeritus of the Philosophy and History of Science, died Dec. 26.

A Winston-Salem Journal obituary announced on Dec. 29 that a memorial service will be held in the summer of 2017.

Dr. Shapere joined Wake Forest in 1984 as Reynolds Professor.  He retired in 2002.

We grieve Dr. Shapere’s death and extend our condolences to his family and friends, as well as those at Wake Forest who had the opportunity to know him.

Wake Forest offers support and counseling services for all students, faculty and staff.  The Counseling Center may be reached at 336-758-5273, the Chaplain’s Office at 336-758-5210. For faculty and staff, there is also the Employee Assistance Program at 336-716-5493.

Wake Forest Communications and External Relations
