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Wake Forest University holds its annual Founders' Day Convocation in Wait Chapel on Thursday, February 18, 2016. Professor of Music and Associate Dean for Faculty Governance David Levy receives the Donald O. Schoonmaker Faculty Award for Community Service.

Recently, Professor of Music and Beethoven scholar David Levy joined international scholars and musicians in Jerusalem, Israel, for a three-day conference.  Titled “Beethoven’s Creative Vision: Journeys and Worlds,” the conference focused on Ludwig van Beethoven’s major instrumental works.

Levy, author of “Beethoven: The Ninth Symphony,” taught a string-quartet seminar at the conference. He has been engaged in Beethoven scholarship throughout his academic career.

The conference was held at the Israel Institute for Advanced Studies on Hebrew University’s Givat Ram campus.

The Jerusalem Post published a story about the conference and quoted Levy substantially.

“No other composer speaks to my intellect and soul in equal measure as Beethoven does with his music,” Levy is quoted as saying in The Jerusalem Post.

In the piece, Levy is reported as lamenting the lack of awareness of Beethoven by students in the United States’ school systems.
