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Congratulations to Kristen Beavers, assistant professor of health and exercise science, whose proposal entitled “MediFast for Seniors Study” has been funded by (a private sponsor).



Keith Bonin


Congratulations to Keith Bonin, professor of physics, whose proposal entitled “Predicting therapy-induced leukemia in breast cancer patients [Cayuse 16-0040]” has been funded by the Wake Forest University Health Sciences.



David Carroll


Congratulations for David Carroll, professor of physics, whose proposal entitled “Sustainable Water Purification” has been funded by the NASA and by [subaward/subcontract from] Streamline Automation (WFU funding agency).



Jack Rejeski


Congratulations to Jack Rejeski, professor of health and exercise science, whose proposal entitled “Cooperative Lifestyle Intervention Program in Knee Osteoarthritis Patients (CLIP-OA)” has been funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) under award number 1R01AG050725-01A1 and by [subaward/subcontract from] Ohio State University (WFU funding agency).


