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This is a guest post from the Learning Management System Team:

The Information Technology Executive Committee  has approved an extended pilot of VeriCite for the 2016-2017 academic year. VeriCite is a cloud-based service that helps to verify the originality of student work. It also can help to facilitate proper citation techniques and paraphrasing skills when used as a tool to enhance instruction through student reflection.

The Sakai Learning Management System Team has received multiple requests from faculty for this type of service. We have decided to pilot VeriCite because it was designed to easily integrate into Sakai. If faculty choose to participate in this pilot, students submit their paper through the assignment tool within their Sakai course. VeriCite automatically generates an “originality report” to the student and faculty.

How to Participate in the VeriCite pilot: The pilot is open to any Wake Forest faculty teaching a course in the Sakai learning management system utilizing the assignment tool during the Fall 2016 or Spring 2017 semester. Please go to the following URL ( to register for the workshop Building a Student Culture of Academic Integrity: The Role of Anti-Plagiarism Software.

Workshops are scheduled for Aug. 24 and 25. To learn more about the pilot visit If you have any questions regarding this pilot please email
