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The following message is sent on behalf of Joe Cassidy, executive director for campus fitness and recreation:

Construction continues on phase two of the Reynolds Gym renovation on the campus of Wake Forest University on Tuesday, July 12, 2016.

Reynolds Gym, July 2016

A fully transformed Reynolds Gym is closer than we originally expected, thanks to a recent change in the construction project’s schedule. The entire project is now expected to be finished by March 2018, approximately six months early.  That means all of the facility will be available for students, faculty and staff earlier than we once expected.  And, the University will realize significant cost savings with the new schedule.

The project is broken into three phases.  Phase I was completed with the opening of the Sutton Center.  Phase II is under construction and will be completed in August 2017, as originally planned.  The phase will bring significant space for fitness and weight training, new locker rooms and new offices for the Office of Wellbeing.

Phase III will bring even more, including an expanded indoor pool, new pool area locker rooms, new group exercise areas, new varsity volleyball locker and training spaces, an improved Varsity Gym, new offices for Campus Recreation (including intramurals), and some classrooms.

Work on Phase III will begin August 1, bringing about immediate changes for gym users.  The pool will be closing down on Wednesday, July 27 at 1 p.m.  All remaining areas of the gym will close on July 31, with the exception of Sports Medicine and the varsity soccer locker rooms, which will close next January 2017.

The Phase III-related closings will affect all remaining Campus Recreation office and club areas, classrooms, the Varsity Gym, the pool, faculty/staff locker rooms and the faculty/staff fitness room. Campus Recreation staff have moved to the lower level of the Sutton Center.  Parking Lot L (between the Manchester Athletic Center and Reynolds Gym) will also close, but a sidewalk will be maintained between Manchester and Reynolds Gym to permit access to the Miller Center

The Sutton Center will continue current operations and hours. The current fitness area on the first floor of the Miller Center will continue to be available to students, faculty and staff.  Also open will be the Miller Center’s group fitness studio on the fourth floor.

While construction is underway, limited locker and shower facilities will be available in the restrooms on the 4th floor of the Miller Center and lower level of the Benson Center.

Campus Recreation recognizes that the construction of this wonderful facility will bring about temporary inconveniences for our campus community.  In the long run, we will all have a facility that will serve students, faculty and staff for many years to come with amenities on a level we have never experienced in past years.

Office of Communications and External Relations
