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20160324--2On March 24, more than 200 Wake Forest students, faculty, staff and alumni gathered for a moment of solidarity on the steps of Wait Chapel hosted by the LGBTQ Center in light of the passage of House Bill 2. 

LGBTQ Center Director Angela Mazaris said, “This legislation is a step backwards for North Carolina. By enacting this bill, our lawmakers have stripped important legal protections from gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people across the state. The impacts of HB 2 will be felt both on the individual level, as LGBTQ people face discrimination in the most quotidian areas of everyday life, and on the statewide level, as our local businesses and industry are unable to attract and retain top talent.”

Wake Forest University’s non-discrimination statement includes gender identity and sexual orientation.

In addition to continuing to add all gender restrooms across campus, Wake Forest will offer some gender-neutral housing for during the 2016-2017 academic year.

Categories: Happening at Wake
