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TimPyatt.300x175A message from President Nathan Hatch

Dear Wake Forest University Students, Faculty and Staff,

I am pleased to announce that Tim Pyatt has accepted my invitation to serve as the next Dean of the Wake Forest University Z. Smith Reynolds Library, effective August 3. Provost Rogan Kersh chaired a national search for a leader of impeccable experience and accomplishment to serve as a zealous advocate for the essential role of the library in learning, teaching and research. Throughout the process, Tim distinguished himself as the best choice for Wake Forest.

Tim comes to Wake Forest from Pennsylvania State University where he most recently served as the Dorothy Foehr Huck Chair and head of the Eberly Family Special Collections Library.

Tim is a North Carolina native who graduated from West Forsyth High School. He holds a bachelor of arts degree in history from Duke University and a master’s of library science from North Carolina Central University. Prior to his time at Penn State, Tim worked at Duke University where he was the university archivist in the Perkins Library (2002-2011), associate director of the Rare Book, Manuscript and Special Collections Library (2006-2010), and coordinator of institutional repository services (2010-2011).

Prior to Duke, he was the director of the Southern Historical Collection and Curator of Manuscripts at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Tim also taught archival administration at UNC-Chapel Hill in its School of Information and Library Science from 1998 to 2007. Tim has held several elected offices for the Society of American Archivists, is a past-president of the Society of North Carolina Archivists, and was appointed by the governor of North Carolina to serve on the State Historical Records Advisory Board from 2000 to 2005.
