Staff Advisory Council announces 2015 election results
The Staff Advisory Council (SAC) is pleased to announce the results of the 2015 spring election. Thirteen new SAC representatives from across the University staff have been elected. New council members are: Landon Burrow (FACS: Maintenance Team 4), James Coffey (FACS: Custodial Services), Lou Gusbar (School of Business- Student Academic Services), Lauren Largen (Graylyn: Ads & Promotions), Sherry Long (Athletics: Student Athletes Services), Ellie Shannon (Athletics: Administration), Shelley Sizemore (Campus Life), Darlene Starnes (Multicultural Affairs), Barbara Stephens-Macri (Human Resources), Amanda Tingle (Dean of Wake Forest College), Amalia Wagner (Office of the Provost), Sandra Whicker (Admissions: Undergraduate), and Sarah Wojcik-Gross (Information Systems).
In addition to newly elected representatives, Artanzia Yates (Information Systems) and Scott Spernoga (Athletics: Sports Medicine) have been re-elected to serve an additional term. Each SAC representative will serve a term of three years and may be re-elected to serve one additional term.
The SAC received nominations from March 1-23 and held the election from April 1-21. The SAC received a total of 29 unique nominations across the five staff divisions. The overall staff voting participation rate was 36.99% (647 of 1749 eligible voters). One division, University Advancement, did not have any open SAC positions and therefore did not participate in the 2015 election. Click here for a list SAC divisions.
The SAC would like to thank the representatives whose terms are ending this year: Kevin Cox (Advancement: Communications & External Relations), Christia Fisher (Athletics), Jeff Gaither (FAC: Maintenance & Utilities Operations), Tammy Griffin (Dean’s Office), Angie Hobbs (Law School), Ted Johnson (University Police), Bill Kane (Digital Publishing), Sheila Lockhart (Religion), Doug Patterson (Graylyn), Kelly Segovia (Human Resources), Catherine Sheff (President’s Home), and Paul Sheff (FACS: Landscaping Services).
For more information about the SAC visit the Staff Advisory Council website.
Categories: University Announcements