See a list of employees joining and leaving the University in March 2015:


Bushardt, Reamer Loren; Adjunct; WFUSB-Instruction
Dam-Regier, Elizabeth Joyce; HR Project & Comm Specialist; Human Resources
Goodwin, M Elizabeth; Coordinator, Employer Relation; Law: Career Services
Hale, I.E. ; Visitor Experience Specialist; Reynolda House: Store
Hartsell, Zachary Christian; Adjunct; WFUSB-Instruction
Johnston, Patrick Dale; Carpenter II; FACS: Construction
Ketteler, Gale E.; Substitute Host; WFDD – Development
Lee, Henry Lyndal; Adjunct; WFUSB-Instruction
Millard, Richard D; Ticket Sales Representative; Athletics: Group Sales
Morales, Sara; Grant and Stewardship Manager; Reynolda House: Development
Nesbit, Charles Lovette; Adjunct; WFUSB-Instruction
Perriello, Lisa Michelle; Front-End Web Developer; Advancement: Digital Communications
Robertson, Susan Anne; HR Coordinator; Human Resources
Thompson, Jane Rankin; Adjunct; Law: Instruction
Wilson, Andrew J; Athletics Assistant, Athl Comm; Athletics: Media Relations


Bishop, Neil R.; Athletics: Group Sales
Boger, Mark Anthony; Library – ZSR
Brown, Latosha Evetta; FACS: Custodial Services
Frey, David; FACS
Herring, Kimberly Nicole; Communication
Kourman, Bakhit; Romance Languages
Nickel, Molly Elizabeth; Admissions: Undergraduate
Patterson, Allen H.; Advancement: Planned Giving
Pettis, Vanessa Theresa; WFUSB-MA in Management
Ryon, Melissa Marie; OPCD:Innovation/Creativity/Entpnshp
Trefz, Timothy Alexander; Graylyn: Food Services
Wages, Jennifer Lynn; Psychology
Wright, Mark Fitzgerald; Advancement: National Media
