Proposals funded: Carroll, Messier, Silman, Zanish-Belcher

Congratulations to David Carroll, professor of physics, whose proposal entitled “Ljus Magna Development” and “Ljus OLEV Development” has been funded by the Ljus, Inc.

Congratulations to Stephen Messier, professor health & exercise science, whose proposal entitled “The Runner’s and Injury Longitudinal Study (TRAILS): Injury Recover Supplemental” has been funded by the US Department of Defense.

Congratulations to Miles Silman, professor of biology, whose proposal entitled “Ecosystem effects and carbon content of Amazonian bamboo-dominated forests” has been funded by the NASA.

Congratulations to Tanya Zanish-Belcher, director of special collection/archivist, whose proposal entitled “Preservation Assistance Grants for Smaller Institutions” has been funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH).
