matt.williams.300x175OPCD’s associate director for marketing and communications, Matt Williams, is a graduate of Project Blueprint, a leadership development program sponsored by the United Way that increases the participation of individuals from under-represented groups on nonprofit and community boards. Participants receive training and support to drive change in these organizations where diverse perspectives and experiences are needed and valued.

“I graduated from Project Blueprint in 2012 and found it incredibly helpful,” says Williams. “I received instruction on strategic and financial planning, diversity and inclusion, operational processes and more. The experience introduced me to other citizens seeking to use their strengths to serve and familiarized me with organizations working to eradicate many challenges within our community.”

What Williams likes most about the program is its holistic impact. Graduates of Project Blueprint benefit by forming a connection to the community that positions them to use their talents, resources, and networks to strengthen it.

“People should contribute to WakeUnited because it’s an easy way to make a big difference,” says Williams. “Effective community development happens when we invest the best of who we are and what we have to make the world around us a better place. There’s no easier way to give of your time, financial resources and talents than through the opportunities provided by WakeUnited.”
