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Gloria Muday


Congratulations to members of the research laboratory of Gloria Muday, professor of biology, whose graduate and post-doctoral research proposals were recently funded. Sheena Gayomba, Post-doctoral researcher project “Hormonal Regulation of Tomato Root Architecture During Iron Deficiency” has been funded by the US Department of Agriculture. In addition, Justin Watkin’s PhD student’s proposal entitled “The Regulation of Reactive Oxygen Species by Flavonols in Tomato Guard Cells” has been funded by the US Department of Agriculture.

Jack Rejeski


Congratulations to Walter Rejeski, professor of health and exercise science, whose proposal entitled “LookAhead Extension” has been funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) under award number 5U01DK057136-16 and by [subaward/subcontract from] Wake Forest University Health Sciences (WFU funding agency).
