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The WISE_header1WISE Conference, Wake Forest’s premier conference focusing on intercultural learning will be held on Feb. 5-6 at the Marriott Hotel Winston-Salem in downtown Winston-Salem. The conference is free for Wake Forest faculty and staff; however, registration is required through Eventbrite.

Hosted by the Center for Global Programs and Studies, WISE helps faculty and staff leaders, program coordinators and student advisors develop the knowledge and skills they need to help study abroad students — including international students who “study abroad” in the U.S. or another country — develop intercultural skills and awareness.

WISE is designed for

  • Faculty who lead or teach programs abroad
  • Faculty who teach or advise international students
  • Faculty and administrators who support international education
  • Study abroad directors, advisors and coordinators
  • Directors and advisors of international students
  • Anyone interested in improving the learning experience when students study outside of their home country

A number of Wake Foresters are participating in the conference as presenters, including those listed below. A complete schedule is available here.

Rebecca Thomas, Professor of German & Russian and interim dean of the College
Language Matters, Even in Non-Language Programs
Many students travel abroad with limited knowledge of the local language. How can you help your students appreciate the many ways in which language knowledge and use is important? Explore strategies and activities that help students understand the role of language in cross-cultural engagement.

Steven Duke, Executive Director of Global Student/Faculty Development, Research and Risk Management
Managing Risks Across Cultures
This session focuses on some of the ways culture and different cultural norms, particularly in verbal communication, can pose challenges for those leading programs. Learn to prepare for emergencies, manage risks and respond to an actual crisis while anticipating cross-cultural challenges. Balancing safety with opportunities for cross-cultural interaction will also be covered.

Mary Lynn Redmond, Professor of education
Demonstrating Progress in Global Competence and Language Proficiency
How does proficiency in a world language and knowledge of culture lead to interculturality? How can growth in intercultural competence be assessed? This session will present the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages’ statement on Global Competence and explore how interculturality is becoming part of K-20 world language classes.

Ananda Mitra, Professor of Communication
Mentoring for international student support
Faculty International students and their families and communities often need more support than might be obvious on first glance. This session will explore efforts to mentor international students and their families.

Mike Tyson, Study Abroad Advisor
The Basics of Budgeting and Marketing for Short Term Programs
This session is geared for faculty planning or leading new programs. It will cover some of the basic aspects of building budgets and financial plans for programs, as well as things to consider when marketing a program to students.

David Taylor, Director of Global Abroad Programs
Study Abroad 101: Things to Consider 
This session is geared for those who are new to planning or leading study abroad programs. The session will cover some of the basics of new-program development, including academic objectives, logistics, advising and selecting students, and orientations.

Nelson Brunsting, Admissions relations, Wake Forest Advantage
Michelle Klosterman, Director of Pre-College Global Programs
What do they need to know?  Pre-college programming for incoming international students
This panel will explore the intercultural challenges international high school students experience when navigating the transition into U.S. colleges and universities. Join us for a discussion of how the Wake Forest Advantage program fosters intercultural development in core academic and social skills essential for success in U.S. institutions.

Categories: Happening at Wake
